Let’s (Not) Talk About It

Chronically Successful, Mentally and Physically Ill

Let's (Not} Talk About It Season 2 Episode 4

“Starting your own business is this perfect incubator for a mental health crisis.”

On paper, Jessica Manuszak totally has her life together. She owns a marketing agency and has written copy for companies like Nike and Levi’s. But beneath the surface-level image of successful client bookings and cash flow, Jessica was chronically mentally and physically sick. Then one day, she checked herself into a mental health facility to address her diagnoses. Over the past 7 years, Jessica has worked to take care of her mind and body, while also passionately advocating for mental health awareness, particularly among fellow entrepreneurs and freelancers. https://letsnottalkaboutit.com

Camille Tuutti
Sharon Tiger
Amanda Ziadeh

Jessica Manuszak of  Verve & Vigour 

Dr. Akua K. Boateng

Tessa Hall

Behind the Scenes:
Lisa Abeyta

“Incoming” by Jeffrey C. Mund 
"Arms of Gold" by Tape Machines